Kamis, 24 April 2014

Direct Speech and Indirect Speech

  1. Definition Direct Spech and Inderect Spech
Ø      Sentence directly (Direct Speech) is a sentence which, when reported speech stating that the actual words. Sentences are not connected by "that" but must be with (punctuation).
Ø      Sentence indirectly (indirect speech) is that when the reported speech sentence gives the main content of words used by the speaker and not the actual words. In indirect speech sentences are connected by the word "that".

  1. Type Direct Spech and Inderect Spech
  • When the news reported speech sentence with this regulation considered reporting verb in the present or future tense and whenever any particular case. Reported speech Reporting verbs-Any tense present tense (form any time)
Direct: She says to her friend, "I have been waiting"
Indirect: She says to her friend that he has been waiting "

  • · If the reported speech is interrogative sentence.

a) Reporting verb say or ask or tell changed to inquire. By repeating the word Tanya and change the tense if the question starts with Tanya said.
Example :
Direct: He said to me, "where are you going?"
Indirect: He asked me where I was going "
b) By using the if / Whether as a liaison between reporting and reported speech verb tenses and repeat.
Example ;
Direct: He said to me, "Are you going away today? '
Indirect: He asked me Whether I going today
  • ·        Sentence command
Direct: He said to his servant, "Go away at once!"
Indirect: He ordered his servant to go away at once.